Iluminismo e capitalismo

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Apesar de haver contradições como no caso da aplicação da escravidão nos EUA[1] e a libertinagem do país,[2] existem algumas correlações entre iluminismo e capitalismo.[3]

Características gerais

O liberalismo costuma ser compatível com o capitalismo na questão da crítica ao bipartidarismo,[4][5][6][7][8][9][10] tem uma característica libertária tanto pelo lado do Movimento Tea Party[11][12] criticam o Culto de personalidade,[13] quanto pelo lado do Occupy Wall Street[14][15] criticam o congresso,[16][17][18][19][20] criticam o racismo,[21] questionam a corrupção[22],[23][24][25][26] criticam a Desigualdade social,[27][28] a polarização maniqueísta da política,[29][30] criticam a vigilância,[31] e a difamação por meio da Guerra Híbrida,[32] criticam o apartheid do porte de arma,[33] defendem a privacidade[34][35] e criticam o Deep state,[36] criticam guerras,[37][38][39][40][41][42] criticam salvamentos financeiros,[43] defendem o meio ambiente,[44] defendem o combate a difusão dos Organismos geneticamente modificados e inseticidas,[45][46][47][48] defendem a reforma agrária,[49] criticam a desigualdade social,[50] criticam racismo,[51] são pessimistas,[52][53] criticam a tortura,[54] criticam o conceito de Estado de exceção,[55] defendem a liberdade religiosa,[56] a liberdade de imprensa[57] e o Etapismo.[58]

Leitura adicional


  1. Thomas Jefferson - Slavery and racism
  2. Hannity: Liberal 'fascism' trying to silence every conservative voice
  3. "Wrintings" (org.) Merryl D. Peterson, Library of America, New York, 1984, p. 1.450 e 1.485-87 (Carta a A. Gallantin em 26 de dezembro de 1820) apud Losurdo, Domenico in Contra-História do Liberalismo, 2006, p. 96
  4. Americans Renew Call for Third Party
  5. Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens Perspectives on Politics paginas: 564–581 doi:10.1017/S1537592714001595 issn:1537-5927
  6. Washington's Farewell Address
  7. As November nears, voters turn backs on both parties
  8. Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens p. 564–581. doi:10.1017/S1537592714001595 issn: 1537-5927
  9. In U.S., Perceived Need for Third Party Reaches New High
  10. Democracy and the Policy Preferences of Wealthy Americans doi:10.1017/S153759271200360X issn:1537-5927
  11. Tea Party, Meet Occupy Wall Street. OWS, Tea Party
  12. Occupy Wall Street: tea party leaders admit similarities - but not too many
  13. Papers of John Adams: October 1781-April 1782
  14. Occupy Wall Street: tea party leaders admit similarities - but not too many
  15. Obama Has Even Lost The 'Occupy Wall Street' Crowd
  16. Americans' Confidence in Congress Falls to Lowest on Record
  17. Americans' Confidence in Congress Falls to Lowest on Record
  18. Congress less popular than dog poop, more so than Miley Cyrus, twerking
  19. Americans' Confidence in Congress Falls to Lowest on Record
  20. Congress Less Popular than Cockroaches, Traffic Jams
  21. How the Western media would cover the Baltimore riots if they happened elsewhere
  22. 75% in U.S. See Widespread Government Corruption
  23. 75% in U.S. See Widespread Government Corruption
  24. Majority of Americans say banks, large corporations benefitted most from U.S. economic policies
  25. 75% in U.S. See Widespread Government Corruption
  26. What the Founding Fathers believed: Stock ownership for all
  27. Why Thomas Jefferson Favored Profit Sharing
  28. Equality: Thomas Jefferson to James Madison
  29. Tea Party, Meet Occupy Wall Street. OWS, Tea Party.
  30. Occupy Wall Street: tea party leaders admit similarities - but not too many
  31. Huge majority wants Clapper prosecuted for perjury
  32. Huge majority wants Clapper prosecuted for perjury
  33. The Racist Roots of Gun Control
  34. What Americans think about NSA surveillance, national security and privacy
  35. Just 11% Think NSA Less Likely Now to Monitor Phone Calls of Innocent Americans
  36. New York Municipal Gazette
  37. As Syria war escalates, Americans cool to U.S. intervention: Reuters/Ipsos poll
  38. Public Remains Opposed to Arming Syrian Rebels
  39. As Syria war escalates, Americans cool to U.S. intervention: Reuters/Ipsos poll
  40. As Syria war escalates, Americans cool to U.S. intervention: Reuters/Ipsos poll
  41. A Tale of Two Georges
  42. Public Remains Opposed to Arming Syrian Rebels
  43. Majority of Americans say banks, large corporations benefitted most from U.S. economic policies
  44. Water Pollution Americans’ Top Green Concern
  45. Strong Support for Labeling Modified Foods issn:0362-4331
  46. Poll: Skepticism of Genetically Modified Foods
  47. Pew-Commissioned Poll Finds Large Majority of Americans Want Stronger Food Safety Rules
  48. Pew-Commissioned Poll Finds Large Majority of Americans Want Stronger Food Safety Rules
  49. The James Madison Research Library and Information Center
  50. With the Highest Inequality in Human History, Societies Are Ripe for Social Change
  51. How the Western media would cover the Baltimore riots if they happened elsewhere
  52. Democracy and the Policy Preferences of Wealthy Americans Bartels , Larry M. p.51–73; doi: 10.1017/S153759271200360X issn:1537-5927
  53. Congress less popular than dog poop, more so than Miley Cyrus, twerking
  54. An Essay on Crime and Punishment p.1-85
  55. James Madison
  56. People of the book
  57. MULLEN: Obama says Snowden no patriot. How would Ben Franklin’s leak be treated today?
  58. Avalon Project - Madison Debates - June 29